Mayo Church a United Methodist Community

At Mayo Memorial United Methodist Church, we believe that the purpose of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We strive to "Love as Jesus loves, serve as Jesus serves, teach as Jesus teaches."
Love God. Love people. Nothing else matters.

In our times of worship when we deliberately seek to encounter God in Christ, we strive as a community of faith to show our love for God in return. We listen to God and allow God to shape our hearts and minds through prayer and devotion.
We stress intentional faith development outside of weekly worship through our various ministries, such as short- and long-term Bible studies, Sunday School classes, and small groups.
We encourage everyone in the personal practice of mission and service - offering ourselves in service to others in need -- through various service projects, mission initiatives, and volunteer opportunities.
All United Methodists covenant with the church to "faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness." We believe that each person has a spiritual need to give in ways that exceed all expectations and extend to unexpected measures.